Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday, and the weather is lousy!

Well, it did not rain, but there is so much pollen in the air, that I am suffering big time! What with the allergies flaring up, I am also having a mild to medium sized asthma problem this weekend...Hurry up Monday I want decent weather and perhaps then everything will calm down a bit...even a bit would satisfy me at this point.

Postcards are in the mail!!! Got all my 9 lives of the Fabulous Felines trade cards mailed off yesterday. They all turned out so nice, and I was in a playful mood when creating them, so they all have little sayings upon the face of the card along with the design. I have already posted my Abstract Cat and the Aristocat, so here are the rest of them...let's see if you can figure out some of the names I have added to them...

Well, for some reason I cannot get the last one to post...but will get it in perhaps tomorrow....

My latest endeavor in the postcard frenzy is to make cards that I will donate to the American Cancer Society that will be shown and sold for a donation of $30 per card, payable to the ACS by a wonderful lady, Virginia Speigel who has a web site called Fiberarts For A Cause. In the past three years Virginia has donated over $50,000 to the American Cancer Society by selling fiberart postcards at both Houston and Chicago's International Quilt Shows. I think that most people who purchase these cards are not going to be mailing them to anyone....they are generally framed and hung in their homes or offices. The Fiber Art Traders are working in conjunction with Virginia to see how many cards we can get together for this very wonderful thing. As I have lost dear family members to cancer, I felt that this was the very least I could do for the cause. I have intentions of making at least 6 cards, but if I have time, I will definitely do more than that. Our group is working with a theme for our cards, Winged Things is the each of my cards will have something on them depicting a winged far finished are a swan, damselfly and ladybugs. They will be posted shortly.

But, for now, I am heading to bed, I am tired and likely tomorrow will still be another day!

Hugs Y'all!


Blogger CalicoDaydreams said...

I love the tiger eyes card!

You are so creative!

5:46 PM  

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