Warm Saturday Greetings!
Today began with a cloudy, overcast day, cool, and a little windy. Did not take long for the clouds to blow away or dissipate, and the sun was shining for the better part of the day. A welcomed relief from the 85-90 degree weather of the last few days! I don't do hot weather at all easily, am allergic to so many of the outdoor odors (others call these smells aromas, to me they stink!) that I spend most of my time indoors, and that's ok, I do a lot of creative work during those times that I cannot be outside.
I joined another postcard trade on the Fiber Art Traders yahoo group. This one is titled "Fabulous Felines" and is anything to do with cats...house pets, zoo animal cats of the more ferocious type, and I have come up with a few designs that are a little over the top for me, but still shout out who made them!
My first one out of the shoot was very aptly titled Abstract Cat, and while I did not digitize this one, I did do the lettering for it. If you have been following my blog, you probably have noted that I do not do a lot of art that is hard to discern what it is...but this one, is titled on the picture side of the card, so should not have too many questions about it.... I got lucky and found some abstract type fabric to embroider it upon, and although it is a simple design I believe between the fabric, the style of lettering and the cat itself, I have finally achieved something in the mode of modernish type art!
The second card I created today is another off the wall type cat...this one is named Aristocat, and did not think much about the name at the time, but have been reminded that there was a Disney movie by the same name, although I believe it was actually called The Aristocats... Given the name of the card, I determined that I would do it up as richly as possible, and used a royal purple for the background. I feared the black cat may not show up well, but gave it a go any way.
I have 7 more cards to complete prior to trading the cards and they will be interesting, although not in this same vein. Both of these cards do have a spin to them toward the modern art, the rest really do look like cats!
Well, that's all for today folks,
Hugs Y'all!
I joined another postcard trade on the Fiber Art Traders yahoo group. This one is titled "Fabulous Felines" and is anything to do with cats...house pets, zoo animal cats of the more ferocious type, and I have come up with a few designs that are a little over the top for me, but still shout out who made them!
My first one out of the shoot was very aptly titled Abstract Cat, and while I did not digitize this one, I did do the lettering for it. If you have been following my blog, you probably have noted that I do not do a lot of art that is hard to discern what it is...but this one, is titled on the picture side of the card, so should not have too many questions about it.... I got lucky and found some abstract type fabric to embroider it upon, and although it is a simple design I believe between the fabric, the style of lettering and the cat itself, I have finally achieved something in the mode of modernish type art!
The second card I created today is another off the wall type cat...this one is named Aristocat, and did not think much about the name at the time, but have been reminded that there was a Disney movie by the same name, although I believe it was actually called The Aristocats... Given the name of the card, I determined that I would do it up as richly as possible, and used a royal purple for the background. I feared the black cat may not show up well, but gave it a go any way.
I have 7 more cards to complete prior to trading the cards and they will be interesting, although not in this same vein. Both of these cards do have a spin to them toward the modern art, the rest really do look like cats!
Well, that's all for today folks,
Hugs Y'all!